"UTAH" Jack Sporadic's Technical Workshop

HOT DIGGETY FOLKS! Ah'm is justs abouts ta tek me a coupl'a hosses groun fullava special tunwishart! Ah mean, well, s'like this: I could've done with heyulp done good. When Ah wuz a-startin' out. Kinda thing. So, here't is!

Weyull - he uses GIYUMP, which, when speyulled proper-like, comes out as: GIMP. Great stars! Tiggedy-poom! S'free. http://www.gimp.org. If you's on MacOSX, go through complicated process: XDARWIN, OROBOROSX, FINK, GIMP. Google 'em. Takes an age to build if yer using SOURCES. Tek my advice children: use binaries. Speshly if yer on 56k mow-dumb.

Pokey frame is simple: 500x100 8-bit colur, web pallete is best. Stick this into a text file called pokey.scm in ~/.gimp-1.2/scripts/

(define (script-fu-pokey-frame)
   (pokeyImage (car (gimp-image-new 500 100 RGB) ) )
   (pokeyLayer (car (gimp-layer-new pokeyImage 500 100 RGB_IMAGE "pokey layer 1" 100 NORMAL) ) )
  (gimp-image-undo-freeze pokeyImage)
  (gimp-image-add-layer pokeyImage pokeyLayer 0)
  (gimp-convert-indexed pokeyImage 0 2 256 0 FALSE "")
  (gimp-selection-all pokeyImage)
  (gimp-edit-clear pokeyLayer)
  (gimp-selection-none pokeyImage)
  (gimp-display-new pokeyImage)
  (gimp-image-clean-all pokeyImage)
  (gimp-brushes-set-brush "Circle (01)")
  (gimp-image-undo-thaw pokeyImage)

 "script-fu-pokey-frame"                          ; name
 "/Xtns/Script-Fu/Pokey/New Pokey Frame" ; menu
 "Creates a new Pokey frame."                     ; description
 "R. F. Smit"                                     ; author
 "free, no copyright."                            ; copyright
 "29th November, 2000"                            ; creation date
 ""                                               ; Image type to operate on
; modified 2002.06.21 rfs for Gimp 1.2
;   corrected gimp-convert-indexed for v1.2
;   added gimp-brushes-set-brush
;   added gimp-image-undo-freeze & -thaw

Lemme tell ya - s'good, huh? Use it from Xtns->Script-Fu->Pokey menu. Mm. Now for a thing to do strike-through text and underline: (Do you think anyone'll notice if I drop the "Utah" Jack character? No? Okay.) Maybe you should call this one pokeyline.scm - save it in the same place.

(define (script-fu-text-box pLine pFont pS pU pSize pColor)
   ;define our locals
   ;create new image
   (tImWidth  8)
   (tImHeight 8)
   (tBorder 1)
   (tImage (car (gimp-image-new tImWidth tImHeight RGB)))
   ;create a new layer for the image
   (tLayer (car (gimp-layer-new tImage tImWidth tImHeight RGBA_IMAGE "layer 1" 100 NORMAL)))
   ;end locals
  (gimp-image-add-layer tImage tLayer 0)
  ;add text
  (gimp-palette-set-background '(255 255 255) )
  (gimp-palette-set-foreground pColor)
  (gimp-selection-all tImage)
  (gimp-edit-clear tLayer)
  (gimp-selection-none tImage)
  (set! tText (car (gimp-text-fontname tImage tLayer 0 0 pLine tBorder FALSE pSize PIXELS pFont)))
  (set! tLWidth  (car (gimp-drawable-width  tText)))
  (set! tLHeight (car (gimp-drawable-height tText)))
  (gimp-layer-resize tLayer tLWidth tLHeight 0 0)
  (gimp-image-resize tImage tLWidth tLHeight 0 0)
  (gimp-floating-sel-anchor tText)
  (if (= TRUE pS)
    (gimp-rect-select tImage 0 (- (/ pSize 2) 1) tLWidth 1 2 0 0)
    (gimp-edit-fill tLayer 0)
    (gimp-selection-none tImage)
  (if (= TRUE pU)
    (gimp-layer-resize tLayer tLWidth (+ tLHeight 1) 0 0)
    (gimp-image-resize tImage tLWidth (+ tLHeight 1) 0 0)
    (gimp-rect-select tImage 0 tLHeight tLWidth 1 2 0 0)
    (gimp-edit-fill tLayer 0)
    (gimp-selection-none tImage)
  (gimp-display-new tImage)
;  (gimp-image-flatten tImage)
;  (gimp-convert-indexed tImage 0 2 256 0 FALSE "")
  (gimp-image-clean-all tImage)

 "script-fu-text-box"				;func name
 "/Xtns/Script-Fu/Pokey/Text Line"	;menu pos
 "Text line appropriate to Pokey."		;description
 "Richard F. Smit"				;author
 "Free. No copyright."				;copyright
 "July 8th, 2002."				;date created
 ""					;image type the script operates on
 SF-STRING	_"Line"				"HOORAY!!!"
 SF-FONT	_"Font"				"-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal-*-*-140-*-*-m-*-iso10646-1"
 SF-TOGGLE	_"Strikethru"			TRUE
 SF-TOGGLE	_"Underline"			TRUE
 SF-ADJUSTMENT	_"Font Size (pixels)"		'(14 1 1000 1 10 0 1)
 SF-COLOR	_"Color:"			'(0 0 0)

That's all. BYE!